We are very proud that ABC Channel 10 chose Easy Street Horse Rescue to be one of their “Horse Heroes for 2019. The horses especially loved the interview and kept trying to be on camera. I guess our volunteers have been taking a lot of selfies with them, as they were jostling to be in front of the camera. I wish I had video of that, but below are several pictures of the interview, along with a link to the news broadcast.
We hope you will also donate to the horses of Easy Street Horse Rescue. We especially are low on funds now and need donations for veterinary fees, farrier visits and HAY. We need $11,000 for this coming fall and winter hay budget PLUS $1,000 for healthcare (VET/FARRIER). Please donate today. We need every dollar you can spare. Please use the DONATE BUTTON to donate via PayPal from our site, or mail your check payable to Easy Street Horse Rescue, 109 Langley Road, Amsterdam NY 12010. All donations are fully deductible to the extent of the law.
We hope you enjoy watching and seeing our current horses, which are all sweet and loveable. Maybe a few of you might even consider volunteering…. we need more volunteers in a multiple of capacities, not just in horse care. We even have stuff you can do from home. I am always happy to give an orientation (weekends) by appointment. The horses love visitors. Especially those taking pictures! BELOW IS THE LINK TO 2019 HORSE HEROES AS BROADCAST. ENJOY! (if the link does not show a video of Easy Street at first, then click on the link to Easy Street website and then click “Back” – the video should then be shown).
Below is a news story from TWC in fall of 2018….
Adoption Application: Adoption App_rev May-2016
Our winter hay budget is $11,000 for 2019/20. We also need Veterinary and Farrier sponsors. Please sponsor a horse. Your gift of $300 feeds and cares for a horse for one month. Or donate just $10 week and sponsor a horse’s Veterinary and Farrier expenses for one year.
Your Gift gives Life to a Horse. Please donate NOW.